Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Another Stocking front finished

This will make the third stocking front this year. I like to make the fronts until I have a couple of them so that I can whip through them when lining and adding the backs. I finished this one on the weekend and started another. I had a stocking planned for my niece but I wasn't happy with it, so I had my husband help me pick a new one for her and I am much happier with this choice. When I am finished with this one I will add the liners and backs to them all. This will be the last one needed for that family, two nieces and a nephew. When I opened this package I thought it was missing he instructions. It wasn't, it was only that this is an older kit and Bucilla has since updated their instruction formats. On the back of the picture was the name of each piece and he corresponding number listed in numerical order of how it needs to be sewn on. On a separate, smaller, paper their was a picture of the stocking with numbers as to where the pieces go. It sounds similar to the instructions now but the list has no written instructions and the diagram is very small. It's workable but I am glad I had so many under my belt before tackling it.

1 comment:

  1. You do such a beautiful job on these...your niece is a lucky girl!
