Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Paperless Paper Dolls

Yesterday, I had my follow-up appointment on my wrist. The tear was more extensive than they originally thought and he also removed a cyst that was hiding. Everything looks good so far. Still very sore and stiff, but it is getting better slowly.

Of course the appointment was in Tucson which now has a wonderful Hobby Lobby. I try to make a point of going to the large craft stores any time I am in Tucson because, besides appointments lately, I seldom am there. This trip was especially fruitful as I came across a book of plastic canvas paper dolls, thus the paperless paper doll title. These dolls are absolutely adorable and I just had to grab the book and supplies, the best part was all the supplies I wanted were between 20-30% off and I had a 40% off coupon for the book. I have always liked paper dolls but have been reluctant to buy any for my daughter yet as at her age I knew tearing would be a problem, but this solves that. The dolls are stitched and then lined with felt and strategically placed velcro that will line up with the stitched clothing that have bendable tabs with the corresponding Velcro. 
When I got home I found they had another e-book with additional clothing, toys and 1 more doll pattern. I started work earlier this night on the first doll. I showed my daughter her choices and she chose the one from the e-book because she had long hair. She requested the hair be changed from black to brown and she wanted one blue eye and one green. I convinced her to have matching eyes and she chose blue. So here is my progress. I am hoping to have the doll and at least an outfit or two done by her birthday party. I hope she likes them once they are made.
And here is the e-book I am using in case anyone is interested.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Sooo sleepy

Yesterday, I had surgery on my right wrist. The surgeon removed a cyst and cleaned up the tear of my TFCC. I requested to not be awake during it because I know I would not be a very good patient if I was awake when they were making my arm numb. I did wake up halfway through the surgery so I was able to watch part of it on the monitor they were using for the scope. It was definitely an interesting experience. I don't have issues with the actual surgery it is the needles I don't handle at all. The pain medicine they gave me has made me super tired though. All I have done since then is sleep. Work has tried to convince me that it is no big deal and I should be able to return in a few days. I don't think that will happen. My job consists of constant typing and untill I can work at 95-100% capacity I will be taking the time to recuperate properly. I know I will not have help if I go back early  and I am right handed so doing everything with my left just isn't an option. Just writing this has taken much longer than normal. 

I am really looking forward to getting back to putting together my Bucilla felt kits again. I had stopped in the middle of one because it was hurting too much, but I really do enjoy them. So I started a list of all the projects I want to finish, and even more I want to start, so I better heal fast  so I can get cracking. : ) For now, I am going back to sleep....

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Now where was I?

Well, I have found a flaw in the erasable highlighters I bought. First let me tell you how great they have been if I accidentally mark the wrong symbol off, or have to frog a bit, the erasing has been great. It leaves the symbol clean and unmarked. The flaw was found when I had my stitching bag in my car while I was at work and my pattern was sticking out about halfway from my bag. I was in a hurry and just left it. Big mistake! When I got home I picked up my pattern with a feeling something wasn't right. That's when it hit me that all of the pattern that I had carefully highlighted as completed was clear again! The portion that had sat in the sun erased itself. *facepalm* it did leave a slight film where I highlighted but it is so light and hard to see it is unuseable. So I am re-highlighting what disappeared. It did give me a good laugh.  So now I know, no direct sunlight for extended periods of time. I still love these friction highlighters and will continue to use them but hopefully my mistake will warn someone else.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Page 2 begins

I started page two this weekend. The fabric that I had ordered to re-do Boteas came in and I hate it. The color was gorgeous but the weave is thick. So I have set it aside for other projects and ordered a few other fabrics instead. While I wait for those I decided to go aheadwith  page two of Moon Lit Waters. I made a few mistakes with the first page which are not noticeable unless you do a stitch by stitch comparison with the chart. The second page is going much more smoothly though. That first page was a definite learning experience.
 Of course as I work on this I can't help but pop over to HAED website and peruse their patterns. My wish list is slowly expanding. I have found some patterns that look like my cats that I definitely want to try. These designs are so addicting!