Thursday, April 25, 2013

List making, or obsession cataloguing?

Last night as I was drooling over the Celtic Ladies patterns by Lavender and Lace (especially the Autumn one in an alternate color palette) my husband asked me to make a list of all the projects I have already so I can see how crazy I am. He said I have at least five years of projects if I were to work on them non stop, as it is those five years will take at least 20. Since, I thought having a list of all projects cataloged for easy reference when I want to start something new was a great idea I started the list last night. I finished the cross stitch pattern part and I have to say I was surprised that I don't have more than I do. I didn't list magazines that I had been subscribing to or the books of patterns I have available mainly because I don't have any plans to stitch every pattern in them. However, if I do want to stitch one then it went on the list, example are the 4 season bell-pulls from Stoney Creek. Although I have the patterns I noticed that quite a few of the projects that is as much as I have for them. I do have a few fully kitted up, the SODA patterns for Full of Love and Sunshine, Love in the Garret, Stoney Creek Halloween Fright Friends banner and a HAED Boreas. My problem seems to be that if I know I will eventually make something I don't see it as an issue to have it filed away for future use, especially if I can purchase it now with discounts/coupons/sales prices instead of at the time I can do it but then having to pay outrageously because it is then out of print. I can't be the only one like this. My answer to him after the cross stitch was done was that it only showed me that I was missing some patterns to complete my collection. After a smile and a shake of the head he let it be.

Another conflict of views between myself and members of my family, appears to be that I view my stash in categories while family members who don't craft view them all at once. They can't understand why I can't just make everything up at once and be done with it; why do I have to be in the mood for a certain type; aren't they all the same? There is a huge difference between painting ceramics to cross stitch to felt appliqué etc. Each craft has it's own process, let alone technique and supplies, and since working on a project is my means for stress relief it depends entirely on how much focus and attention my current state of mind is. Besides stress and frustration release, my craft mood depends on the weather and time of year. Spring and Summer will see me working on needlework projects, cross-stitch, embroidery etc because they are light projects that aren't going to cause me to overheat like making an afghan in 112f heat would. Late summer into Fall seems to gear up my interest for felt Applique. Winter finds me crocheting and ceramic painting (when I have available space) and sometimes the felt applique continues.

Finally the biggest factor at the moment as to why I am not working on certain projects, space restraints. At the moment this seem to be my worst enemy for what projects I can successfully and enjoyably work on. No matter how much I would like to stitch a HAED design I know that the patterns would require me to use a large floor frame and multiple color changes so a work area that will not be disturbed and taken down each night is a must. Since we are currently living with my parents for multiple reasons I won't go into, it isn't a possibility. As it is working in the Sleepy Hollow pattern is awkward because as much as I enjoy it I still feel it is talking up too much room. With the move many of my hobbies have been put in storage such as tole painting, ceramics, and miniatures. I kept a LOT out of storage but the limited storage space in my closet has been an issue. I have been slowly putting more and more into the storage unit. Originally I kept so much out and tried to work around it because the move itself was stressful, it was my first home outside my parents and it was MINE. Having my crafts around me made me feel better, as though a part of that independence was still with me, but the longer we are here the more I realize there is no way I can work on certain things until I have my own space again, and until then it is pointless to keep them out, so into storage they go.

Since this post seems to have turned into a vent, here is a picture of the progress on the upper half of the Sleepy Hollow design as of tonight. I have been working on this while watching the mini series John Adams. I am enjoying both. ~ Till next time.


  1. I've never been someone's first member before:) I have the same issues with my crafts/hobbies, and we also live in a combined household. Hang in there!

  2. Thanks for the encouregment! And I'm glad to have you as a follower : )
