Monday, April 27, 2015

Decision made...

After much deliberation I decide to stitch Patchwork Teddy stocking. This is an older Bucilla kit from 1997. My niece picked it out he year before last and I would like to get all of the kid's stockings done this year. I have 5 to do so we shall see how that goes. Here is a picture of how it will look in the end.
On a seperate note my Janlunn Sprong Sampler came in now I have all four. These aren't as fancy as some patterns out there but there is something about them that struck a chord with me and I look forwarded to making them. Here are some pictures of what they will look like. 

Also, I have two Deminsion kits on their way.
Twilight bridge (cheap off eBay)
Maggie the Messmaker.


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